
Focus Point of Sale – Hurricane Harvey Relief

By October 10, 2017 No Comments

Focus Point of Sale October Blog Post Hurricane Harvey Relief

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, Houston’s restaurant industry suffered extreme setbacks in an effort to get things running, business-as-usual. Post Harvey, as restaurants re-opened, it was inspiring to see the industry come together and show their support for Houston. With the desire to give back to those in need, several restaurants created opportunities to provide food and donate money to local organizations such as the Houston Food Bank. Focus Point of Sale was uniquely positioned to help their restaurant clients stay open for business and ride out the struggles of the storm.

  • Barnaby’s downtown location experienced flooding, but was able to salvage most of their point of sale systems. Focus Point of Sale helped move the working systems to an off-site location, pulling the necessary information to stay operational using the online reporting feature.
  • Chimichurri’s South American Grill in Northeast Houston experienced severe flooding that submerged their POS systems underwater. Our thoughts our with them during this trying time; however, Focus Point of Sale was able to maintain their payroll and sales reports as a result of the ability to operate the online reporting solution remotely.

Beyond the flooding, Focus Point of Sale created various Harvey disaster relief campaigns for clients, from discounts to donation tabs.

  • Focus Point of Sale created a button for restaurants such as Fajitas A Go Go and C&J BBQ so they could collect donations from customers for Harvey relief. Employees were able to collect these donations with the click of a button.
  • Focus Point of Sale client, Xochi, created the “Houston-Strong Margarita” and donated all the proceeds to the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Focus Point of Sale’s reporting system will allow Xochi to track the sales associated with this drink.

As the restaurant industry continues to come together and rebuild Houston after Hurricane Harvey, Focus Point of Sale has the technology and customer service to do whatever it takes to help their clients restore their businesses.